New tradition to tourism in the Pine Forest at an altitude of 1500 meters above sea level, giving a new atmosphere that is more fresh.
The Jungle Hotel Concept is the concept of Pinus forest tourist destinations in Lembang Bandung with Tangkuban Perahu Mountain atmosphere and a touch of natural park natural arranged.
Located in the forest area around Tangkuban Perahu tours that have been supported with adequate facilities like toilets / bathrooms clean, and security guard - security guard 24 hours.
Package options, we pack for:
- Family Day / Tour Family (Arisan, Reunion)
- Gathering Company Outing
- School Holiday Program / Tourism Education (Farewel Party, Opspek, etc)
- Tourism Religion.
Your choice to stay, as a One Day Tour or Gathering Package, we will help set up programs to suit your needs.
Info detail untuk EO Gathering Outing Outbound Meeting di Bandung, hubungi kami .